Simone Bombari


Hello curious Google searcher! I am Simone Bombari, and this is my website! :muscle: :sunglasses:

It’s still quite lame right? Will get more interesting in some time, I promise!

I am a PhD student at ISTA, happy and lucky to be supervised by Professor Marco Mondelli. Right now, I really enjoy the following research topics

  • Deep Learning Theory
  • High Dimensional Statistics
  • Trustworthy Machine Learning

Before joining ISTA I studied Physics at Scuola Normale Superiore and University of Pisa, where I mostly focused on Quantum Information Theory and Statistical Physics. Then, my passion for modelling and statistics led me to change field, and to approach the interesting (and weird) world of Machine Learning! :computer: :books:

Of course, I’m much more than just a PhD student in theoretical ML. I have a deep passion for sports, fitness, games and many other things! :soccer: :space_invader:


Feb 06, 2024 A new preprint is out! We investigate how attention layers can capture single word modifications in a sentence :memo:
Jun 26, 2023 Excited to start my summer internship as a quant NLP researcher at G Research! :uk:
May 24, 2023 New preprint! Some high-dimensional-probability for privacy! :lock:
Apr 30, 2023 Beyond the Universal Law of Robustness accepted for oral presentation at ICML 2023! :zap:
Feb 06, 2023 A new pre-print is out! Check it out if you are interested in (theory of) adversarial robustness! :muscle: